About BSQ

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."


Camille Barry & Mike Patterson (vlns)

Charlotte Burbrook de Vere (vla)

Dan Curro (cello)

Black Square Quartet was founded in 2018. Inspired by the iconic and controversial artwork The Black Square by Kasimir Malevich, one of the first true examples of artistic minimalism, the quartet aims to challenge and inspire audiences with daring & innovative repertoire choices. Strong advocates of new & Australian music, the quartet has premiered works by composers including Thomas Green, Robert Davidson, Ken Thomson, Cathy Likhuta, Marike Van Dijk, Brenda Gifford, Richard Grantham, Michael Bakrncev and Philip Eames. Their collaborations with some of Australia's finest musicians and ensembles - including Trichotomy, Shugorei, Tenzin Choegyal, Early Modern, Andrew Veivers, and Steve Newcomb - push the boundaries of contemporary chamber music.  


Camille Barry (vln)

Mike Patterson (vln)

Charlotte Burbrook de Vere (vla)

Dan Curro (vc)

"Wow! This new performance of my piece Séraphîta by Black Square Quartet is inspired in all the right ways. Big thanks to them! -- it's definitely not some little thing to be spot on in all the details on this piece.